While many of us are working from home as the world unites to stop the spread of coronavirus (with many thanks to those frontline workers who are unable to work remotely but are vital to containing the COVID-19 outbreak), we’re still seeking ways to connect with our loved ones, friends and colleagues.
Luckily, technology like Zoom, Facetime and video conferencing is allowing people to hang out – whether a group standup meeting, a virtual happy hour or a simple catch up with family.
Yet wouldn’t it be fun to catch up with your cousin from the back of a camel, rather than your couch? Well we’ve got something for you.
We’ve created these Zoom travel backgrounds so you can travel virtually while staying at home.
Here’s how to change your background in zoom:
1. Right click on any of the images we’ve created and select “Save As” to save to your desktop.
2. Once you’re video chatting in Zoom (make sure you’re using the most up-to-date version), select the small arrow to the right of the “Stop Video” button on the bottom control bar.
3. Click on “Choose Virtual Background,” select the “+” button, and upload the background image of your choice from your desktop. Un-check the “Mirror Video” button.
Happy virtual traveling!
More Classic Journeys travel Zoom backgrounds: US National Parks, New Zealand