227 results for "page/2"

COVID-19 Nearly Trapped Two Travelers on Remote Easter Island

The tense standoff at the Easter Island airport on March 20th played out just like a scene from an action movie. There were huge crowds and long lines, shouting and...

Crystallizing India

When you go to India, you want to see—you must see—Taj Mahal, and all the better if it’s glowing pink at sunrise and framed in the window of your palatial...

Cuba Vacation: Visit the Peaceful Viñales Valley

Cuba vacation lesson #1: Royal palms grow wild in the countryside. You know the trees I’m talking about. Their slender 60-foot trunks arc up to feathery umbrellas of fronds, like...

A Cuban-American reflects, now that “he” is gone.

[EDITOR’S NOTE: These heartfelt comments came to us from Ralph, a Cuban-American Tour Leader for Classic Journeys. You’ll note, as we did, that he never refers to Cuba’s late leader...

Cuban Soul: Part I of III

Hollywood depictions of Cuba only hint at the country’s larger-than-life persona. To truly understand how the country’s colorful history has stamped its people during a cultural tour in Cuba, you...

Culinary Gadgets Used Around the World

Tools of the Trade At Classic Journeys we know that local cuisine is more than merely nourishment – it’s the quickest way to experience a country’s true flavor. Having the...

Culinary Travel is Delicious and Indigenous

When you dive into local food specialties, what’s on your plate is a tasty slice of a region’s cultural past. Wherever I am, whenever mealtime rolls around, I have two...

Help a D-Day hero receive his Medal of Honor

At 9:00 am on the morning of June 6, 1944, Corporal Waverly “Woody” Woodson Jr., prepared to jump into four feet of bullet strewn waters at Omaha Beach. Woody was...

Deeply American: Bryce, Grand Canyon & Zion

Let’s hear it for the redrock, white and blue! A vacation that dips and winds through the amazing canyons of our premier national parks is about as all-American you can...

This Tale is Proof that Anything Can Happen When You Travel

Talk with any well-traveled person long enough—perhaps over a few glasses of wine—and out it comes. The story. That you-won’t-believe-it, you’ve-gotta-hear-this defining moment that happened thousands of miles away from...