227 results for "page/2"

Italy amid Coronavirus: Italians Can Face Anything on a Full Stomach

A sixth generation Neapolitan and second-generation Classic Journeys guide, Ulisse lives in Naples with his wife, Anna, and their son, Lorenzo. An award-winning tour leader following in the footsteps of...

Italy amid Coronavirus: Pondering What’s Important During Isolation

A sixth generation Neapolitan and second-generation Classic Journeys guide, Ulisse lives in Naples with his wife, Anna, and their son, Lorenzo. An award-winning tour leader following in the footsteps of...

Italy amid Coronavirus: There is only Italy

A sixth generation Neapolitan and second-generation Classic Journeys guide, Ulisse lives in Naples with his wife, Anna, and their son, Lorenzo. An award-winning tour leader following in the footsteps of...

Italy Emerges From Coronavirus: “Italy has reopened for business”

A sixth generation Neapolitan and second-generation Classic Journeys guide, Ulisse lives in Naples with his wife, Anna, and their son, Lorenzo. An award-winning tour leader following in the footsteps of...

Italy, Famiglia-Style

My first memory of Rome as a lucky teenage traveler is standing on a sidewalk with the Colosseum looming ahead. But to get there meant crossing a broad, fast-flowing avenue....

Viva L’Italia: Italy Reopens!

When it was announced on May 13 that Italy was reopening, our first thought was to give you a report from each of our local guides. But since our trips...

Italy Solo Vacation: A Single Travelers Experience

Though Teri Balick has been a lifelong traveler, her recent Italy solo travel trip was a completely new adventure. Any trepidation she felt initially evaporated instantly, as she told us...

It’s been quite a trip to #1

When we started Classic Journeys 20 years ago, our not-so-humble mission was to make sure every guest had the trip of a lifetime. In our hearts, we were sure we...

Interview with Ironman Champ – and Classic Journeys guest – Kathleen McCartney

For those of us of a certain age, we remember ABC Wide World of Sports as a mainstay of Saturday afternoons. One must-see episode every year was the Ironman from...

We Got The Last Flight Out Of Cape Town

“The song Should I Stay or Should I Go became the soundtrack of our trip,” Sally Palmer says of the South Africa vacation that she and her husband, Joe, returned...